
Showing posts from December, 2018

Mothers, travels and trials.....

It was March 2017. I opened the inbox of my email and found an invitation. " We invite you to an International Storytelling Festival in the continent of Africa ? Would you be interested?" I was naturally excited to travel so far away to listen, share and exchange stories. There were on and off exchanges with the Professor coordinating the project. With the undulating updates about the funds, the entire project would be called off it seemed. Hmmm… My family was also waiting for the confirmation email but when it came, we had reasons to be happy and sad. The date of departure from Hyderabad changed in the last minute from Sep 3rd to Sep 2nd. I had to leave on Sep 2nd morning around 3 am which meant I had to leave home by Sep 1st night. It is the birthday of my younger son and we were both not looking forward to my absence. But we had also been waiting for this email. As I was sadding and happying, my dear friend Pushpa called and I promptly poured out my problem....