
Showing posts from February, 2019

Bhakti: performance and the perturbation...

With my elder son unwell since Satruday, and me and family as always trying to avoid medication, the evening and the next morning ( of the Bhakti Poets show) was spent in accupressure, natural home-remedies , and homeopathy. Son got better, and the mind shifted back to thoughts about the upcoming show. I was getting anxious about not having had ti me to go over my script and rehearse for the show. How ironic ! A few hours later, I was going to sing and share stories about not being anxious, about doing our best and having faith. And with my anxiety I was being the antithesis ! I had to be reminded that every word in the script, and the concept of stringing together the tenets of the Bhakti Philosophy, had come from my heart, had been conceptualised and put together by me, had been performed many times ( though not in my city in recent times) Which meant that I had no real reason to be so anxious. Even at the venue, there were three shows happening simultaneously and much as anybody ...