What was I thinking at the hospital?
It is funny how ridiculous the workings of the mind
can be even when you are supposedly middle-age and apparently wise.
It was the in January 2012, the summer of Hyderabad
was ebbing away (yes I meant ‘summer’ and not ‘winter’. We only have summer and
severe summer in the city anyways) and I’d just returned home after a hectic
week of researching for a new project, a multi-art fusion production.
Not a good time to get the loosies. But loosies aren't particularly superstitious fellows and couldn't care less when they set
out. Set out they did and with what vengeance! I must surely have cheated on a
loosie in one of my past lives. My bowels auditory performance could match my 6
yr olds drumming on my kitchen dabbas.
What I had decided to overlook as a ‘small thing’ one
which I could possibly ignore, seemed to have taken offence to the lack of
attention and doubly ensured it got all (and more) of the attention it
deserved. The motions which began in the wee hours of the day wouldn't stop by
afternoon and when it was around 3 pm it was official. I was a certified
‘dehydrated’ homo sapien.
I turned to mom and was telling her to call the
driver as we had to head for the hospital right away.
Time flew by. There was a
fast forward sequence of life whizzing past me in frames (complete with sound
effects …trust me)
Me walking to the
Mom holding my
Me falling,
Driver screaming
“Madam madam”
Me picked me up by
driver and will-power
Me dragging myself
to the car seat,
Hospital sighted,
Wheel chair below
Reception attendant
“Beta what is your
father’s name? “
He entered the digit ‘2’ and asked for the next number
for my age.
--------------PAUSE -------------------------
My heart flipped. “Wow!” I thought, thrilled as
I actually didn't look like a married women. He
asked for my father’s name and not husband’s J he also asked…NO…he was sure I am in my 20’s
Having gone around the sun 35 times and being a
mother of two I soared to cloud nine and would've settled there except that I landed
with a thud on the emergency bed.
******Reality check time************
“Darling” I said to myself as the nurse inserted the
IV to water me up again. “Could you get more imprudent than this? Here is your
body breaking itself down right now. A head-on reminder of its temporariness. And at
the same time it excites you to know that it 'looks' young!”
Seemed much like a
corpse at its funeral checking in the mirror ( and pleased as hell) that its lipstick hasn't smeared.
I had a hearty laugh at myself and remembered words I'd heard
'All the people great or not, who have
ever lived on the earth are all nothing but top soil today'
Hmm…I wonder all
this toil to become top soil?
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