Artificial light pollution

            Depleting natural resources and degradation of the environment is a primary contemporary preoccupation of environmentalists today. Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, ozone depletion, green house effect are issues we are familiar with.  A relatively new concern is that of Light pollution.

For the past few years environmentalists have been researching on the harmful effects of light pollution. This is a phenomenon now fairly common in the cities of developed nations of the world. Changing lifestyles, shifts in workplace demands of both customers and retailers, are some of the reasons that have led to the presence of a fairly active night life which consequently poses demands on artificial light requirements. This is the primary cause for Light Pollution.

How and when does Light Pollution occur?

            When excessive artificial lighting enters the night sky, it gets reflected off air borne water particles and water droplets. This causes a condition call sky glow. Light pollution is caused by glare from light fixtures that are not appropriately shielded or directed. The bright light gets directed into driver’s eyes. The result is night time visual impairment which jeopardizes road safety. Unshielded bright light often crosses over property lines and can glare into our private space. This is an annoying abuse of space and is known as Light trespass.

            Harmful effects of Light Pollution

Just how significant the harmful effect of this artificially lit night skies is, has been studied by environmentalists. The indication for dangerously high levels of artificially lit night sky is the reduced visibility or complete non-visibility of stars. What harm this can do to life on earth must be understood in order to appreciate the seriousness of the matter.

Light pollution has been found to affect both flora and fauna. Researchers claim that artificial lighting can directly cause harm to migrating or moving habitat of animals. Animals get confused by the artificial lighting and are often misguided to heading for destinations that are no theirs. For example, baby turtles along the beaches of North America; usually travel back to the sea at night by following the reflections of the natural night sky in the sea water. However with stream-lined beach lights all along the coast, the baby turtles end up moving towards land. As a result they either come under the wheels of moving vehicles or get baked in the heat when the morning sun comes up. Similar events have been found to occur with other animals as well.

Effect of Light Pollution on human beings

As for human beings research shows that we are victims of light pollution too. The human body has a 24-hour circadian rhythm for which the phase of natural darkness is essential. This circadian rhythm gets disturbed by artificial night light which reduces the natural darkness phase to ignorable levels. The hormone melatonin is known to be released in sufficient quantities only in Natural darkness undisturbed by artificial night light. The hormone melatonin has a significant role to play as it releases anti-depressants and relaxants into the blood. These substances are necessary for the human body to function effectively through the sun-lit day.

Over all the humongous electricity wastage that occurs will in turn release additional greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere which will contribute to global warming. 

            The solution

            Judicious uses of artificial night lights which are correctly shielded and rightly directed are important. Lights must be aimed at the required area (respecting privacy of space) and care must be taken to avoid light from unnecessarily entering the sky.

Environmentalists are thus seriously concerned over issues of light pollution affecting both animal and man. They are advocating the introduction of reduced and appropriate lighting for the night. Canada has an exclusive area declared as environmentally protected zone. Here artificial lighting of the night sky is strictly prohibited for across a fairly large area. So here one can look up at the night sky and see thousands of stars shining up above………a beauty that most city dwellers of developed nations have lost out on.


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