And that's what the parasail said..


Hello! Glad to meet you. My name is Waterbird. I am a parasail. Never heard of me? Well now you have! It’s time to get to know me. Come along let me tell you about myself and my exciting life.

How was I born?

You must’ve seen parachutes, the round objects with the help of which ‘people’ come down from aircrafts.  Right? Well these ‘people’ are usually pilots, sky jumpers and other such professionals. Pierre Lamoigne an instructor was trying to teach his pilots ‘how to come down with a parachute’.
It was quite a complicated task taking them up in the aircraft each time for the training practice. Pierre hit upon a bright idea for the practice sessions. The parachute with the ‘flyer; was attached to a jeep. When the jeep pulled along the parachute filled up with air and the pilot was gradually ‘lifted’ up in to the air. This is very similar to your kite lifting up and flying in the air. As the jeep moved the ‘flyer’ was pulled along in the air.   
Thus ‘parasailing’ the adventure sport was born in the early 1960’s. And I became the ‘parasail’ the main equipment for this thrilling adventure sport parasailing. Parasailing is a fun-filled adventure sport where you get whisked up into the air, fly like a bird and land back to safety!

          How did I spread from land to sea?

          The credit for taking me from the land to the seas goes to a Mark McCulloh. McCulloh designed a motorized platform, and then a special ship with a platform for take off and landing of the parasailer (the person who goes up and comes down with the parasail). Another invention of his was a winch boat which could safely pull the parachute back to the ship. I must admit McClloh really made me and my sport a much safer one. No doubt it has become so popular. It is a great way of enjoying the wind, the colours and the scenic beauty of the seas. Imagine flying like a bird over the sea, feeling the wind in you face, watching the waves and the fishes swishing and swirling below you. You mustn’t miss this experience for anything. You must be eager to go ‘parasailing’ by now. So here’s where you need to head.

          Where would you find me?

‘Parasailing’ on land (the Pierre Lamoigne) version is still enjoyed especially in land locked places. Most cities in India offer parasailing in open grounds.  But coastal locations is where you find ‘parasailing’ that gives the fun of sailing and the thrill of flying packed in one.  Chennai, Goa, are some of the places in India. World over almost all sea holiday spots have ‘parasailing’ as an adventures sport.

          How old should you be to parasail?

Don’t worry that mama is not going to stop you by saying the usual “when you grow up……” In Rajasthan I once had a little girl who was 2½ years old. I also remember flying a grandma who was 97 years old. She parasailed with her grandson who was all of ten! I forgot to mention the other nice thing about parasailing. You don’t have to do it alone. Two people and sometimes even three can parasail together.

          How safe am I?

According to all the rules of Aerodynamics bumble bee cannot fly! And yet we see the Bumble bee flying don’t we? If you don’t try this sport because people are not meant to fly that is sad. I can tell you are losing out a memorable experience in life. There are many safety measures and rules that are set. Just make sure they are being followed by the parasailing company you choose.
You will be attached to the parasail with a well designed safe and comfortable harness. Weather conditions, boat size, passenger weight, rope length, are some of the important safety factors.
Make sure a certified instructor explains everything to you before you parasail. And just come aboard with me.

          Get Set Sail………

Folks it’s time to say goodbye. The sun’s coming up on the horizon and I can see enthusiastic daddies, mommies, students, kiddos, grannies, grandpas and all trickling on to the beach. It’s time for work. Looks like its going to be a busy day for me. Oh there is this little boy being harnessed to me and off we are in the air whoooah….Bye. See you soon!!


  1. Great reading. In my opinion this is one of the activities everyone should do if they have a chance. Parasailing tours are really popular in Cancún, and with reason, only a few places on Earth have such views.


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